DQ - An Enhancement to Internet Switching
A near-ideal MAC, i.e., an algorithm that enables a communications channel to provide an arbitrary number of users with both synchronous and asynchronous services over any distance and at any speed, could be the basis of a novel enhancement to Internet switching. Such an algorithm would enable a high capacity optical-fibre based circuit, instead of simply transporting packets from one router to another, to itself act as a distributed switch providing service to hundreds or thousands of users over a large area. Such a MAC is in fact available and this paper describes how this MAC could be used as a basis for Distributed Queue (DQ) switching to allow a not inconsiderable portion of Internet traffic to bypass routers by assigning users to DQ-based Distributed Service Areas (DSA) that are not geographically limited. Cascaded Distributed Queue switching is introduced, a form of switching that supports congestion-free transport between DSAs.
DQSA, a patented technology, represents a fundamental development in network switching in that it efficiently supports dynamically allocated synchronous and asynchronous circuits in wired, wireless and fibre-based networks. DQSA can utilise virtually any type of physical signaling on any type of physical medium while supporting data presented in any of the popular framing protocols, such as Ethernet, IP, MPLS, Frame Relay, or ATM.
Routerless Switching with DQ
DQ moves packet routing to the Data Link/MAC layer resulting in two major benefits: (1) seamless integration of wireless and optical-fibre based networks, and (2) elimination of the need for routers, thus eliminating congestion and simplifying the delivery of video streams.
DQ can be implemented in a three-stage process, described in Toward Routerless Switching.
Professor Campbell died on August 15th, 2019, in Edinburgh. His work is being continued by several others around the world and contact information for the various groups will be made available here. His daughter, Kellas, is moving content onto this new website, so come back soon for more.